Thursday, December 29, 2005

Golf @ The Ranch

Using our Yahoo passports for a 50% discount we played The Ranch in San Jose for $40 (including cart). Only problem is that this course is SO difficult that you need another $40 to pay for all golf balls you loose. Every errant tee shot requires a new ball on this course. I probably lost 4 balls in the round. I played quite ok, but still only managed 110 - which might sound like a lot, but trust me it is rather respectable for this course. 3 iron worked like magic, too bad I didn't hit it on all the holes then I would probably have broken 100. Play conservative here is my is short so no need to use the driver. Oh and it is dead slow... it took us 6 hours, although much of this was due to the baffoons that played before us from the blue tees where they should have played from the reds in my opinion - it is a wonder they didn't run out of balls.


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