Monday, February 20, 2006

Best Golf Ever

Willem played the best round of his life at Poppy Ridge today. After almost cancelling the round since suffering from a severe case of the shanks, things could hardly have gone any better. 2 pars and a birdie on the front and 5 pars on the back nine. Driver was humming and the approaches stuck to the green, even the putting was good. Final tally was 90 - a few doubles and a triple slipped in as well. Luck was a major factor though - all the bad luck from rounds gone by was made up for in abundance today. Shot of the day, and probably ever, was a 180 yards up hill (playing around 210) 3 iron to about 10 feet - 1st (our 10th) on Merlot. Even won the SA Open between Gavin, Vani and myself.


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